3 Residential Window Problems You Can Repair
When your home has a drafty, broken, or stuck window, taking quick action is crucial. A damaged window can be a disaster for your energy bill and a blemish on your home's curb appeal.
Before you commit to a wholesale replacement of the damaged window, take a moment to consider if repair might be a better option. Repairing a window can be much less expensive than replacing it, but not all issues are good candidates for repair. Here's a look at three residential window problems you can repair.
Broken Panes
Broken glass panes are probably the first thing most people think of when you mention window damage. Broken panes are unsightly and completely neutralize the window's ability to insulate your home.
You'll want to repair broken window panes as soon as possible to prevent heated and cooled air from escaping outside. Fortunately, you don't always have to replace an entire window over a broken pane.
Window and glass contractors can reglaze window frames and set a new glass pane in place. This is a good option for wood-framed windows, while replacement may be more cost-effective for windows framed with affordable materials like vinyl.
Damaged Casing
The casing or trim around a window plays a big part in preserving the window's energy efficiency. Window casing covers any gaps left between the frame of the window and the surrounding drywall to prevent drafts.
Scratches and gouges are a common problem in wooden window casings. Contractors make quick work of minor damage like this by cleaning the damaged area, filling the gouge with wood putty, and refinishing the trim. Refinishing can also fix problems such as stains from small water leaks.
Stuck Sash
The sash is the component of a window that moves when it is opened or shut. The sash also holds the window panes together and keeps them airtight.
Years of use and factors like debris buildup in the window track can eventually lead to the sash becoming stuck. When a window is left shut for an extended time, a paint seal can develop around the edges of the sash and immobilize it.
Replacing a stuck window usually isn't necessary unless the window is damaged in the process of freeing the sash. Contractors use wedges and pry bars to dislodge the most stubborn stuck windows, followed by replacing the sash cord and weatherstripping when needed.
If you've hesitated to schedule service for a damaged window due to the cost of replacement, don't wait any longer. Get in touch with a window and glass contractor for skilled home window repair that doesn't break the bank.
For more information, contact a local company, like Kauffman Glass and Mirror.